Do we really know what is happening on the inside? Are we truly at our healthiest? So many more questions we need to ask on a regular basis. We submerge ourselves in diets and pointless trends just to give ourselves the satisfaction that we are consuming healthy foods. It goes much deeper than covering up the underlining problem.
I recently have started research and trials on a project called DIY Health. For those who are not familiar with what DIY Health stands for it translates in full to me DO It Yourself Health and can be a much better alternative to the over counter drugs and supplements that we insist on consuming on a daily basis.
I was always a very healthy eater and was also once vegan by changing my eating habits to fit with my career choice at the time. I am also an ultimate foodie now and always try finding the most exotic and interesting meals to try. It was great for a while but led to a whole series of health issues which all stated from my gut or better known to most as your stomach. I started experiencing nausea, restlessness, panic attacks, skin issues and more. I had moments when I was sure that I needed to be rushed to the hospital and never knew what has been going on internally.
We all have the initial reaction of hopping to Google to self-diagnosed which is exactly what I did. I searched through so many articles and speculations of what the problem was and finally found an informative column on ‘digestive issues in the gut’ and its causes and systems and just like that I was looking at myself in written form. I found testimonials from others going through the exact experience as me and I spent hours researching home and natural remedies, ingredients and special diets not meant to put your body under stress but to correct it completely from the inside out.
I will be giving you some of my DIY Secrets, Recipes and Ideas that will get you started and on the right track to jump starting and correcting some of the stubborn and annoying issues that many of us are facing today.
Always remember that health and wellness starts with us and only we can motivate and activate a change. And I intend to help you do so. Stay tuned for next month’s article where I will be talking on the Topic of ‘Kombucha’, its benefits and how you can make some of your very own right at home.